Friday 25 January 2013

IB Life

I haven't made a post in a while and i'd like to say it is because i'm working hard in the few months leading up to my exams but the real reason is more like i am addicted to Breaking Bad and haven't stopped watching it.

I don't even have the excuse of a social life because I haven't been going out in order to try and save money.

Apart from watching Breaking Bad I have been listening to music and trying (somewhat halfheartedly) to get a job.

I really love it when listening to a certain song brings up a sort of memory or emotion- even if you don't know where it comes from. 

The song 'Crashing Into Love' by Martin and James (they were the support when I went to see Taylor Swift and I bought their album and fell in love) is particularly moving and I have no idea why.

When I listen to it I get a sort of half-baked image of a wood and fairies and dancing... sort of a mix between Peter Pan and The Faraway Tree. It also reminds me of a clearing in a place I used to now as 'The Enchanted Woods' when I was little, but it doesn't look like it, it just feels like it.

It is such a strange sensation because I get the urge to do something but I don't know what. I want to write a story about it, or find that place and take photos... I think what I really want to do is escape there and find the fairies, but I have no idea why that image (though it is more of a feeling than an image) comes to mind.

I love that sensation when listening to songs. I get it with lots and I don't know if it is common- most things are so i'll assume it is. 

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