Tuesday 5 February 2013

Equal Marriage

MPs have just voted for Gay Marriage in the UK. 400 to 175 I think.

This is obviously a good thing, and I don't want to seem depressing but it still shocks me that 175 people (out of 575 presumably) would vote against it. That's 30%!

What right do they think they have to dictate who can get married to whom? 

It infuriates me that closed minded people make it their mission to try and prevent other people from being happy. 

It was the same feeling as a few months ago when it was voted that women still can't be Bishops (Although clearly this was a better outcome).

Why do horrible little people think that it is okay to tell others how to live their lives when they aren't harming anyone or anything? The injustice of things like this make me so so angry. I am not eloquent enough to express how I feel but I can imagine that a lot of people feel this too.

I just want to scream at these people until they understand that they have no logical and reasonable justification to their idiotic and old fashioned ideas.

I will also never understand why some religious people take certain parts of the bible completely literally whilst ignoring whole chunks of it! 

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